PDF Download , by J. M. Redmann Jean Redmann

PDF Download , by J. M. Redmann Jean Redmann

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, by J. M. Redmann Jean Redmann

, by J. M. Redmann Jean Redmann

, by J. M. Redmann Jean Redmann

PDF Download , by J. M. Redmann Jean Redmann

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, by J. M. Redmann Jean Redmann

Product details

File Size: 967 KB

Print Length: 264 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Bold Strokes Books (December 15, 2013)

Publication Date: December 15, 2013

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#912,892 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This is not the Mickey I have grown to love and the rest of the gang is MIA so I am left thinking this is a really bad dream. Wake me when it's over. All kidding aside I was very disappointed with the book usually I can't put them down and read right through until the end. This one was definitely one to put down over and over again. I did finally finish it with no satisfaction upon doing so. This book left me wondering what other book on my wish list I could have spent my money on since I haven't been able to buy a new book in quite awhile. I promised myself to use some of my tax return to get caught up with old friends and meet new ones. I should have gone for new ones cause these old friends just weren't there and I wished I had saved my money since it hasn't been easy to come by. The upside is I bought a few other books to wash away the bad taste this one left.

I stumbled on the Micky Knight series at Goodwill, what I didn't have I purchased from Amazon....JMRedmann doesn't disappoint!!! Anxiously awaiting the new book!!!!!

When I first discovered the Micky Knight mysteries they had not yet come out on kindle. So, I purchased them in paper book form and devoured them. Then, when they came out on Kindle, I bought them all again in digital format (except for a couple, which are not available that way), and read them all a second time.Then I waited for a new book to come out. Checked Redmann’s website and Amazon on a regular basis for news of a new book. But, when it appeared that the author was pursuing other writing interests, I gave up hope there would ever be a new book. I was pleasantly surprised when I checked again last week only to see that there is indeed a new book. However, it was receiving some pretty dismal ratings. As it turns out, fans were not happy that Micky and Cordelia broke up and were showing their disapproval with low ratings.Don’t let those low ratings fool you. While Cordelia’s dumping was done in a rather odd way, Micky Knight is at her best when she’s single. The old Micky is back. The misbehaving Micky we all fell in love with in the first few books has returned along with her love of women and their love of her.I must admit that Redmann made it too easy to figure out who the bad guys were. But, it was a hell of a ride-along while Micky figured things out for herself. There’s an open ended question about Emily, the FBI agent, at the end of the book. I’m hoping it leads to another book where Micky tries to figure out just who Emily is. Those two were made for each other. But, not in a relationship kind of way. No, Micky should stay single. She’s more fun that way.

Really disappointed in the direction of the characters. I won't read the new one since it sounds like it's continued in this vein.

I liked the book, kept me going, but sad about the way the author handle the relationship with Cordelia and Mickey.The story really did keep me interested.

I was disappointed in this book. The first seven books flowed from one the the next. In this one the author does not take the reader with her. Also, in the first seven Mickey seems smart and a good judge of character but in this one she seems to have blinders on.The character of her partner, C, as developed in the first seven seems to have totally changed in this book. Mickey's character had also been developing in a positive direction in the first seven books but that development was totally lost in book eight.Read the first seven books in this series BUT skip number eight!

I agree with most of the other reviews. The Micky Knight I've known for years could never be this naive or pathetic. And even though Cordelia had the affair a couple of books ago, I can't believe she could be so heartless to Micky after 10 years. Unless the sister tied her down and locked her away, it's hard to fathom her not at least talking with Micky before, or even after, she cleans her out, cats and all, moves the NY with someone else, and disconnects her phone. Too much. If there is another book, I'll be sure to read the reviews before buying.

God it's so hard to rate Micky Knight 3 after 7 books of consistent 5s.The author called it "difficult to write", I call it "difficult to read", especially to those of us who have read the series and become involved with Micky's life.It was indeed a messy, brutal and way too unbelievable breakup. Many reviewers have summed it up so well, that I will only say that I can only hope that there was something going on with Cordelia and that the breakup was not at all how the book said it happened, even if it means Micky was a self-pitying prick for an entire book instead of fighting for her partner like she vowed in the previous book.I remain hopeful that the next book will redeem this mess in a brilliant way, instead of giving up on a character and the relationship that we have been nurturing for years.PLEASE JM Redmann, Call back yesterday and fix this mess, do not let this Micky be the base for what's to come!

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, by J. M. Redmann Jean Redmann PDF

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